Lost German Girl
Lost German Girl
On Tuesday, May 8, 1945, a young woman with a sign of having been beaten is filmed on a road 78 km from Prague in the direction of Pilsen in Czechoslovakia by Captain Oren W. Haglund, in his camera he portrays the image of the war in that At the moment, the filming of her only lasts 55 seconds, being recorded for history.
Original Filming
Who is she? What is her name? Where did she come from? What became of her? Many questions and at the moment no answers, the only information about her are the original shot cards of the filming of Captain Oren W. Haglund from May 1945, you can see the name of SS Girl who were released on April 29, 1947 and July 23, 1951 (the shot card where SS Girl appears is from this year), then this information is uploaded to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (ushmm) site where this information can currently be found.
The original tape is called "18 SFP 9196" and is found in the "National Archives and Records Administration" preserved in tape format (at minute 17:24 the young woman identified as LGG appears).
original shot card
shot card where the first mention of LGG appears as SS Girl
united states holocaust memorial museum
where LGG is mentioned with the name of SS Girl
site where this information is located
the place where the note and the full video are
Where did the name Lost German Girl come from?
The first attempt on the forum to find out who this woman was was on January 14, 2006 by member drum_dude under the title "Who is this woman? What happened to her?".
The first video you can see of her has the title of "Deutsches Mädchen 1945" unfortunately you can not find the date of when that video was uploaded, but on October 28, 2008 a forum is opened in Axis Histrory Forum with that title , but on March 1, 2008 another video is uploaded with the title "1945 Lost German Girl", on November 5, 2008 the Axis History Forum opens a new thread called 1945 Lost German Girl with the same title of the video, this forum manages to capture the attention of many people, it seeks to identify this young woman and there she is baptized as Lost German Girl or LGG abbreviated; One thing is true, she is not lost, she is heading towards the sector where the US Army is, so far it is not known if she is German, it would be better to call her The Girl on the Road but honestly the title of Lost German Girl fits her better.
forum site
Lost German Girl forum
forum Who is this woman? What happened to her?
Deutsches Mädchen 1945 forum
1945 Lost German Girl forum
1945 lost german girl video
Where did Lara / Lore Bauer's Name come from?
While the young woman was known and appeared in several documentaries, she was identified as Lore Bauer, the first name given to her is Lore, who appeared on November 12, 2012 in the fiction novel with the 1945 title Lost German Girl On the Aerial Phenomena site of Mr. Diego Rodríguez Peregrin, he was inspired by the video "1945 lost German Girl" that he uploaded on November 4, 2012 with a poem, there he describes his story as fiction. On August 30, 2014 in the Axis History Forum an individual named Carsten Bergman who works at the National Institute on Geneological Research posted that LGG is called Lara Bauer who was born on February 3, 1921 and passed away on October 30, 1994, She was born in Kollerschlag, Austria, baptized as Roman Catholic and who worked in Pan Am from 1965 to 1985, she also left 2 internet addresses but unfortunately they do not go anywhere, several members of the forum asked about this information, but she still did not respond, searching , I recently received a report from the Landesarchiv site where it does not have a record of a certain Lara Bauer in its Austrian records, with this the investigation of a possible name of LGG is closed, in the Stationsgatan blog on February 11, 2016, he already mentions Lara / Lore Bauer and the story that was commented and thus LGG was identified as Lore Bauer, in my interior I would like him to be that person since at least he had a quiet life. On May 5, 2010, the photo that would later be known as Lore Bauer was uploaded in the forum, although it is very similar, there are several features that do not coincide, on September 29, 2013 another photo of her was uploaded, although one of the forum members was indicated to a woman making comparisons determined that another woman who is there has features very similar to LGG, but the poor quality of the photo could not be determine if it is her and so far no other photo of that woman has been found.
In these years of research of that woman there are no records of such a Lore Bauer / Lara Bauer in Das Bundesarchiv (Wehrmacht Records) or in the records of the time in Austria Österreichisches Staatsarchiv and OBERÖSTERREICHISCHES LANDESARCHIV and das Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung
Aerial Phenomena site
place of the site where the story of Lore is
here you can see the explanation on his blog that his story is fiction (in Spanish)
site in Spanish where is the story of Lore and the explanation of the fictional story
Lost German Girl Lore (Spanish)
video and explanation of his fiction novel
I post the name of Lara Bauer on the forum
Landesarchiv site report
Regarding your request, we inform you that it is at our disposal
The documents on the list did not reveal any reference to the person he named.
Farms seen:
* Security Directorate
* Migration files
* List of names of the Linz Regional Court
* Parish records
In the baptismal records of the Kollerschlag parish neither in 1921 nor in the five years
look for a before and after entry
das Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung
Das Bundesarchiv (Lore Bauer)
*the research for your inquiry has now been completed.
No records could be found for the wanted person.
Landesarchiv (Lore Bauer)
*unfortunately I cannot find the name Lore Bauer in the baptismal records of the year 1921 of the parish
Find Kollerschlag.
das Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung (Lore Bauer)
*Unfortunately I couldn't find it in the Ancestry database, otherwise I can't help you there.
first site mentioning Lara / Lore Bauer and her story
First supposed photo of LGG
second supposed photo of LGG
third supposed photo of LGG
comparison of the photo and the LGG filming
(Research and works by Carlos Xander, Stello, brick2, FF7_12 and Beltain)
(Work and research by Stello and FF7_12)
Video SummaryThe World at War 1973 - 1974 episode 25, where LGG appears for the first time
Where did LGG come from?
There are no records of where it came from but there are possible clues, in the book "Na demarkační čáře, Americká armáda v Čechách v roce 1945" by Petros Cironis there is a paragraph that says the following "The first contingent of prisoners, about 2000 men, arrived on Tuesday, May 8 in the morning.
They were members of the ordinary German army, who came from Prague from the Pod Bruskou barracks, they moved in 3 lines, they were dusty and dirty, some had their wives...". There it is established that perhaps she came from the Pod Bruskou barracks in Mala Strana Prague, it is believed that on May 5 or 6 she and her group left in the middle of the Battle of Prague (May 5 to 10, 1945), it is believed that because of the rumor that Anglo-American forces were rearming the German troops to face the Soviet troops with the idea of establishing a resistance or establishing another front but that morning of May 8 with the first contact with the US forces that rumor fades and they are immediately taken prisoner.
The first encounter with the US troops was established near the town of Myto where they would leave all their weapons that they were carrying and they proceeded to march towards the city of Pilsen, between the town of Holoubkov and Rokycany, that group of more than 2,000 German prisoners are separated into 2 groups, the first more numerous group would be escorted to Pilsen and the other group of 200 Germans where LGG was, would be classified as SS, they would be heavily filmed by US war cameramen (Haglund and Lindsay) , at the exit of the town of Rokycany, a confrontation took place between those supposed SS with US soldiers who were their escorts (perhaps due to attacks by the villagers or hidden Czech partisans who sought revenge) which ended with 26 dead Germans and many injured, it is believed that it was at the curve of road 605 near Rokycasny that LGG was brutally beaten (perhaps because she was wearing a male uniform and not knowing that she was a woman, there are no indications that she was v Iolada but she was stripped of her clothes, since the clothes where she appears filmed are clearly not hers), LGG was filmed on road 605 at the monolith that marks 78km from Prague at approximately 2:00 p.m., later it would be Housed in the sector called Garden nº89 on the outskirts of the town of Ejpovice where it was filmed for the last time.
*Paragraph where the place where LGG and its group depart is named
*Pod Bruskou barracks
*Mala Strana sector where the Pod Bruskou barracks was located in Prague (1945)
*Current sector of Mala Strana Prague
*Book by Max Hastings where he tells of the rumor that spread in the Wehrmacht "On May 6, a rumor spread among his own — as in the rest of the Wehrmacht — that the Anglo-Americans intended to arm the Germans to fight the Soviets."
*Place where the first encounter with the US Army took place.
*Possible places where the Germans were separated into 2 groups
*Possibly LGG wearing a uniform with her husband, boyfriend or her lover outside Rokycany and near Pilsen with the alleged SS
*Place where the confrontation took place and where she was brutally beaten LGG
*paragraph from the book “Na demarkační čáře, Americká armáda v Čechách v roce 1945” where the confrontation is described
*Approximate location where she was filmed LGG by Haglund
*Paragraph and place where LGG was housed with other prisoners
*Last frame of LGG Haglund's filming
She was pregnant?
In the first 2 films that appear, you can see a bulge in her pelvis, characteristic of someone who is only a few months pregnant. They tried to analyze it in the forum, but no conclusion was reached that it could possibly be the bulge in her clothes and that, if she were pregnant, she would not have been attacked, but analyzing with mothers, they all tell me that she is 2 or 3 months pregnant, which gives the possibility that if she is pregnant, as I had said before, having men's clothing would not have been noticed. her pregnancy, this adds more drama to that woman
What happened after being filmed LGG?
I have not found any photos or footage of LGG after Haglund's footage but in his footage where LGG can be observed a possible destination can be established.
In its original filming "18 SFP 9196" at minute 21:46 a group of totally disheveled German prisoners are observed and many with signs of having been beaten, this filming was made near the city of Pilsen several kilometers further on where LGG was filmed and that group was where LGG was when she was attacked, in that film several individuals can be seen who would have been with her when she was filmed sitting next to some men, this would suggest that LGG was sent with them that same Tuesday 8 May 1945 to Pilsen, it is very likely that he remained there until July 4, 1945 when all the German prisoners were released and returned to Germany.
Another possibility that she, being a civilian upon arrival in Pilsen, was released immediately or released on May 10 or 11 when all civilians were deported to Germany.
In the filming of Haglund's colleague with the last name Lindsay in his filming "18 SFP 9176" at minute 14:33 you can see that group marching towards Pilsen filmed in the place I mentioned and at minute 15:45 it is better observed those prisoners classified as SS pass in front of the camera, in it you can better see the faces of those individuals and perhaps LGG was among them
place where the filming
distance where LGG was filmed and where the filming was
Lindsay filming
the people who were with LGG that can be seen in the footage
this is the group of individuals that LGG was sitting at the edge of road 605 that
they are not observed but that he was next to her, that can be affirmed with the injured individual that is observed at the end of the capture and appears in the filming of LGG by Haglund
Haglund filming "18 SFP 9196"
Filming of Lindsay "18 SFP 9176"
Will LGG be on the way to Pilsen?
Other possible LGG destinations
Unfortunately there is no information, data or something that can be found out or seen after she was filmed, but several fates of her can be traced in the only 2 books that exist about that time of the mentioned events, the books are "Na demarkacní cáre, Americká armáda v Cechách v roce 1945” by Petros Cironis and the book "Zur Problematik von Soldatinnen.." by Jutta Rüdiger, in both books it is NOT mentioned or referred to only because of the dates and places where it occurs The facts set these destinations.
The first destiny is that she was a civilian, this destiny can be found in both books, in the first book on page 77 it is mentioned that after the acts of violence that occurred on road 605 that May 8, the group of prisoners apparently members of the SS were located in the sector called "Jardín nº89", in the last image where LGG appears, it can be seen that she is sitting in front of that sector
supposed place where she was sitting LGG
the story continues that the arrival of civilians, they were relocated closer to the town of Ejpovice and all soldiers to the "Jardín nº89" sector
sector intended for civilians
Was LGG a civilian? This question is due to the fact that she has a DAF Booklet (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) which was given to all workers in the German territory, Austria and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (today part of the Czech Republic), it is implied that with it she would be a worker and not a military for which she will be sent to the sector for civilians but being listed as SS by Captain Oren W. Haglund she would be sent to the other sector for the military
If she would be classified as a civilian, she would stay in the civilian sector and then, shortly after, they would be transferred in trucks to the nearest train station to be transferred to the German border together with all the German-speaking displaced persons, here in the second book mention is made of the transfer of civilians to the German border
transfer of civilians in the book "Zur Problematik von Soldatinnen.."
The second fate of LGG would be that by being classified as SS she would be linked to the fate of the women of the SS-Alarm-Flakabeilung "Prag"
In the book "Zur Problematik von Soldatinnen.." the destiny of these women is narrated in that country and sector where the filming of LGG and the liberation of these women took place, it is narrated that this group arrived on May 9 at 5:00 p.m. ( 5 pm) and were located in the sector called "Jardín nº89" the narration continues, commenting that because of the fear they had of the US Army troops, circles were made where the women sat in the middle of those circles, a measure to protect women from any individual who attacks them.
(Ropican is Rockycany)
Helferinnen of the Wehrmacht in the "Garden nº89" sector (is LGG among them?)
It continues with the narration of the moment that the civilians are transferred to the border and adds that the personnel of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe are transferred to the city of Pilsen, leaving only any person classified as SS and the Waffen-SS group. .
It is here where the fate of LGG is tied to this group of women since if she were SS she would have to be with her
All the SS members will be gathered in the sector called "Jardín nº89" next to the forest to be watched by US troops, all the hardships, fears and problems that arose there are narrated, it is mentioned that there were 100 women in total .
Until May 21 all would be transferred to the city of Pilsen (the women in trucks and the men on foot)
the narration continues with the arrival of the women in Pilsen where they would be identified and registered, housed there for a while, and then be interrogated for being cataloged as SS, after they were interrogated they are transferred to another larger place where their situation improves until the Russian army would take possession of the city of Pilsen, this entails that the US army stamp the identification papers to all the SS members as members of the Luftwaffe, with this two of them would be transferred to Germany with the withdrawal of the USA from there, the rapid transfer of these women is narrated and on July 4, 1945 at 9:00 p.m. (9PM) all these women would be liberated in the German city of Bayreuth
site in Pilsen where the women came to be identified first, then sent to a better place
*Clarification: it should be mentioned that at that time and place LGG was identified and questioned, for which her true data would have to be in those papers, for which the name that emerges from her would have to be in those papers and that is why if the name Lore/Lara Bauer is not there, it is not her, since her registered name appears
The third destiny is perhaps the most tragic that had happened to LGG, the narration begins on page 61 where it is commented that 4 women from that group put on civilian clothes that they found in discarded suitcases to join the members of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe heading to Pilsen, this will have consequences later as on page 69 it is narrated that the women and soldiers caught in civilian clothes would be handed over by the US Army to a Czech legion
the consequences for these women were narrated on page 118 in the book "Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe in World War 2" by Philip Kaplan where the Luftwaffe ace Erich Hartmann comments that a group of women who were in Pilsen were handed over to the Russian army and all were brutally raped, then they would be deported to the Gulag inside the Soviet Union, if they survived the confinement or torment they would return in 1955
It should be clarified that in this story it is not mentioned if these women were the ones who were handed over to the Czechs, but what coincides is that they were women who were in Pilsen and according to the previous story they were the only ones who were handed over by the US Army. .USA
For this destination it is not known if LGG changed her clothes or because of the clothes she was wearing she was identified as SS, the only thing that makes this destination possible is that since there is no information about her after her filming, it is assumed that she disappeared, running the poor fate of these women or that because of this trauma they did not want to comment on the facts (extreme cases such as that of Lore Vogt who committed suicide in 1947 (see the Vogt case below))
* clarification: it is not known why Captain Oren W. Haglund identified LGG as SS, if it was because of his clothes, because he accompanied a member of the SS or because he had a tattoo in his right armpit with the blood group ( members of the Waffen-SS had their blood type tattooed on their right armpit), this is best discussed in the book "German Women's Life Writing and the Holocaust Complicity and Gender in the Second World War" by Elisabeth Krimmer where makes a summary well above Lore Vogt in the book "Zur Problematik von Soldatinnen.." where the possible identifications of the SS members are named
It must also be said that many members of the SS changed their clothes to avoid being lynched or executed (in the original footage, 200 apparently SS members can be seen and most of them have different uniforms and civilian clothing), it must be mentioned that LGG owned those clothes for the aggression he suffered, it was not to hide his SS status (although for my LGG he can be seen in a Wehrmacht uniform)
LGG in Wehrmacht clothing (accompanied by an SS)
Waffen-SS member captured
The fourth fate is narrated on page 75 and that is that 3 members of the women's group are mistakenly sent to the Ragensbur detention camp. Germany (including Lore Vogt), these women would be in that camp until January 1946, then they would be released.
Only these 3 women are mentioned, it must be clarified that these women traveled in trucks to their release but somewhere in Germany one of the trucks where these 3 women were were destined for that camp, so it follows that in that truck there would have been more women, what happened in that field is not described, in a video that shows the conditions that the women were in, it is mentioned that in that field there was a large outbreak of typhus due to which some women fell ill and died, it is due to the lack of information from her that makes this destination have a "maybe" but nothing is confirmed
Video of the conditions of the women and men in Ragensbur. Germany (English)
in German
video summary
Is there any information from LGG?
In 2015, the forum determined where LGG was filmed, then on October 6, 2019, the Czech television channel CT24 makes a report on LGG showing the place where it was filmed, shows the forum and says that she is still not identified.
In 2015 Artist Michaela Spružinová does a very good investigative job accessing various documents, books and notebook in Rokycany from 1945, she determined that LGG was taken to the provisional detention camp (or Sbernem) near Ejpovice and then she was taken by the Red Cross to the women's detention camp in Ragensbur Germany, it may also be that in the archives there is the name of LGG but there were many German women arrested in Czechoslovakia in 1945.
site where LGG was filmed by forum members
(Photos and works by kerlena, garywdyls, Stello, fhafha)
work of a forum member of the pillar where LGG was filmed
(research by Stello)
some forum members came to the place where LGG was filmed
(Photos from fhafha)
(Photos by Brittstephan )
(Photos by tomyst )
(Photo from PavelH)
2021 (Miloš Vlasák)
Current photos of the place where it was filmed (02 April 2023)
Courtesy of Mr. Marcel Beran
Czech TV video TC24
Czech TV video TC24 subtitled into English
full video from Czech TV channel
work of Artist Michaela Spružinová
site where she published her work
temporary detention camp (or Sbernem) near Ejpovice
The Case of Lore Vogt
On September 29, 2013 a thread of the story of a certain Lore Vogt is uploaded, where she also uploads a photo, this story is in the book "Zur Problematik von Soldatinnen.." Askania 1987 written by Jutta Rüdiger, is given to understand that it is possibly the fate of LGG, but the book clearly tells the events of May 8 to May 9, 1945, which describes that on the night of May 8 at 10:30 p.m. a contingent of 200 women from the Flakwaffenhelferinnen of the SS-Alarm-Flakabeilung "Praga" departs towards the lines of the US soldiers and her arrival at 09:00 the next day in Rokycany, this story does not coincide with what was seen with LGG since she arrives on the 8th of May at approximately 2:00 p.m., this is also verified with the filming of the time and place, the physical features of the photo of Lore Vogt with LGG do not match either.
Lore Vogt was born on September 15, 1924 in the village Pohrlitz near the city of Brünn (South Amähren) in November 1944 she joined the SS-Alarm-Flakabteilung Prag and was sent to Prague between February March 1945 until 8 May 1945, she was transferred to a temporary prison camp in the town of Ejpovice from May 9 to May 21, then transferred from the city of Pilsen until July 4, 1945, from there mistakenly sent to the Ragensbur detention camp. She germany until January 1946. She would commit suicide on December 30, 1947 following a depression caused by a rape in the detention camp at the hands of US troops
That name and part of her history would inspire the fictional novel with the title of 1945 Lost German Girl in the Aerial Phenomena site of Mr. Diego Rodríguez Peregrin
What does LGG carry in his hand?
A discussion that took place in the forum was that LGG carries in his hands, in the text that Captain Haglund describes that they are card games, something that others affirms since it was a practice to exchange for other products, one of the Former analyzed and came to the conclusion that what he carries in his hands is the red identification book and Korun Bohemia-Moravian money from 1940 that no longer has value at that time, in other places it was suggested that it is a bible.
text in the inscription of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (ushmm) page
forum research
(research work carried out by Stello)
(Work done by Michaela Spružinová)
SS Alarm Flak Battalion "Prag"
At the 3rd battery and 4./5. Large battery of the SS Alarm Flak Battalion
"Prague" about 200 female anti-aircraft weapons assistants were deployed.
This contingent was the only one from the Luftwaffe to serve
Fromation parked at the Waffen-SS. The helpers -
BDM leaders who "voluntarily" reported -belonging-
almost all of those born between 1919 and 1926. she
In the fall of 1944, the anti-aircraft assistant corps became a replacement unit
moved to Rendsburg/Schleswig-Holstein and
after completing various training courses at anti-aircraft artillery schools
Transferred to the SS Alarm Flak Battalion in Prague. This
happened in January, February and March 1945 except for one device operation each,
who trained themselves in Prague from November 1944
By agreement between the inspector of anti-aircraft artillery
the Luftwaffe and the SS-Führungshauptamt took place
Use in the form of a command, d. H. the helpers
remained members of the anti-aircraft helper corps Rendsbung,
that for pay, clothing, sick and invalid care
was responsible. The uniform was that of the Luftwaffe, it
became a badge of rank as well as the usual orders and decorations
The assistants were deployed at the radio measuring devices and at the command device 40.
40 used. During the last months of the war,
i.e. h- deployed with the recall of the solaten and sub-leaders
at the front, they also had to carry ammunition
help from the bunkers to the guns.
From February 1945 the girls were deployed. The battle circuits
took place both during the day and in the nights where they
usually lasted until the early morning. Particularly exhausting
was the use before and after the extermination attack on dresden
(February 13, 1945), where they received full recognition in fire operations
of the commander could acquire. On February 14, 1945 at noon,
than British machines in broad daylight and in clear skies
Valuable commitment and, above all, discipline.
On May 8, 1945 at 6 p.m. the department went into action
completed. Equipment and guns was loaded with concentrated charges
blown up. The units sat down as darkness fell
through burning, raging Prague westward in March, Als
closed units, escort from the batteries remaining
Leaders, leaders and men, they came
May 9 in the Pilsen area captured by a Czech
Unit of the US 2nd infantry Div., in the course of the
coming weeks from the 8th and 102nd US Pz. div. superseded
became. At the beginning of July 1945, the transports began depending on the occupation zones,
where the Austrians were allowed to start.
- this story is found in the book "Zur Problematik von Soldatinnen.." Askania 1987 written by Jutta Rüdiger, this unit is the only one I could find in the area where LGG was filmed, so many believe that she was a Flakwaffen Helferinnen but As it is read, the dates and places do not coincide -
drive photos
one of the members of this unit was identified as a possible image of LGG
more photos of that woman and the unit
one more extra of this woman and another member
Orel William Theodore Haglund
He was born on November 23, 1905 in the Municipality of Skandia, in the county
Marquette, Michigan
As a young man he began his career as a filmmaker until the Second World War broke out
where he enlisted in the United States Army Air Corps, in the first Motion Picture Unit (1st Motion Picture Unit) on August 15, 1942 along with personalities such as Ronald Reagan, Clark Gable and William Holden...
on December 28, 1942 he is incorporated with the rank of corporal (corporal) and is sent to Africa
then he would be sent to Italy, France, Germany and finally to Czechoslovakia
In 1945, already with the rank of Captain, under the orders of General Patton, they enter the city of Rokycany on the night of May 6 to 7, there they receive the information that a group of Germans are heading towards Pilsen to surrender.
Along with another cameraman named Lindsay, he meets the group of Germans that same morning outside the town of Myto, together with a group of soldiers, they decide to document the journey of those German prisoners.
Outside of Myto Lindsay filming, May 8
they would pass through several towns to the city of Rokycany, outside of that city those soldiers are separated into 2, Haglund, Lindsay and a group of US soldiers accompany a column of 200 German soldiers apparently from the SS
a few km from the town of Ejpovice the confrontation that is shown in his footage takes place
the 2 cameramen move away from that group and from the US soldiers, after that confrontation is over and near the town of Ejpovice they begin to record the consequences
It is at that moment that he was looking towards Rokycany, and LGG appears walking, which proceeds to film it
under the title SEP-186-30 she is registered and in the annotations of the shot cards she is noted as SS Girl giving her the only known name of LGG
There is no record of what happened and what happened to her later, nor if he knew of her fate, he continued filming the next day...
There he stayed until the end of the conflict in Europe and headed towards the Pacific until the end of the second war
he was discharged on December 9, 1945 with the rank of Captain, with the
next decorations
Button on the lapel to the service of the second world war, the victory medal of the second world war 3 bronze star medal (to the service of Europe, Africa and the Middle East),
Pacific Theater Service Medal, Purple Heart Medal, and American Campaign Medal
after the war he tried to enter the Hollywood cinema asking for help from his contacts in the conflict but with poor results.
He dedicated himself to war documentaries on television and as a producer in this medium of series
he passed away on September 15, 1972, at the age of 66
he was entombed in San Bernardino, California, and is buried in the veterans section of Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park in North Hollywood, California
Mathilde's case
On April 6, 2013 an individual posts that his grandmother agrees with the LGG traits and that he claims that it is her, which says that the name is Mathilde, obviously the members of the forum asked several questions which answered the story of his grandmother and promising to send photos and document proving that it is LGG, unfortunately so far it has not contributed anything
thread where Mathilde appears
LGG's face without the blow to the face (frames made by forum members and on youtube)
(photo uploaded by Larrister)
(photo uploaded by Stello)
Improved LGG face
(photo uploaded by kupamon )
some extras
theme inspired by Reevedavey's LGG video "Lost German girl" reevedavey
War Girl by ghost vermillion
Drawing by LizzieLestrange
page of your drawing
Drawing created by knightdreams22
arts created by Michaela Spružinová
Drawing of the site where LGG was filmed (no author)
Painting created by Vidar Asheim
painting room
German Girl on a Road, May ‘45
WCR Pixel Art
Drawing of Ina Wege
Drawing site on Instagram
Drawing by Ash Wiggins "mydeadhands"
courtesy of Lee Graham
Created by Martinit002
Article about LGG in the German newspaper Stern
full note (in german)
Stephen Oliver's LGG account on Soundcloud
Lost German Girl, a story, 2 women
voice and story : Stephen Oliver
Artists in an LGG video
L o s t
The Lost German Girl .. by W Λ R & P E Λ C E 戦 争 と 平和
People - Silent Soul Series - Denmark
Anna's Burning Curiosity
Izba Cabron: A Lullaby For Erika M.
[4K, 60fps, color] 1945. V-Day in Europe. Lost german girl
(Face Restored) Lost German Girl WW2 V-Day 1945, added sound w/ color remaster By NassProd
Lost German Girl by Tony Rodríguez TR
Lost German Girl: kobieca twarz wojny, którą ciężko zapomnieć Przejście w mrok
This German woman is a complete enigma... | The mystery of the Lost German Girl / Yoshimitsu Cáleon
A Perturbadora Historia Por Trás Desse Vídeo | SS GIRL Wakinho
A garota alemã perdida - The Lost German Girl WW2 - o mistério sem solução - Boletim de Guerra
The Lost German Girl - An Internet Mystery by GloomyHouse
Lost German Girl 2021
1945 The Last Woman by fabik2009
the video that made me interested in the topic created by naszpanrobert 1945 Girl on the Road
Until the moment that I write in this blog, it is NOT known who this young woman is, nor where she came from
Nor to which branch of the German force of the time, it is not known what nationality hers belongs to and neither what was hers after the filming.
It is the only information about LGG, it will continue to be searched to know what her identity is and I wish that she has found Peace
in Spanish (en Español)
in German (Deutsch)
Geat job. I really want to know about her .
ResponderEliminarThank you very much, the search continues...
EliminarHello, we don't know the date she died (or if she died, she would be 101 years old in theory)
ResponderEliminarShe was a Civilian but classified as SS (you could say that she is an SS) although it is not known what her fate was
and thanks, regards